Averna Amaro 1 Litre
Averna Amaro brings a piece of Sicilian tradition to your palate, offering a rich tapestry of flavours including dark chocolate, candied orange peel, and a bouquet of aromatic herbs. Its smooth, slightly smoky essence provides a comforting warmth, ideal for a digestif. Serve Averna chilled with a citrus twist to enhance its deep flavours or use it as a foundational spirit in sophisticated cocktails, infusing them with a touch of Sicilian enchantment.
We offer free delivery on orders over R500 within 80kms of our distribution centres in JHB, CPT and Durban.
Orders below R500 within 80kms of our distribution centres have a R50 delivery fee.
There is a flat delivery fee of R150 to the rest of SA.
We also offer FREE pickups from our distribution centre in Cape Town.
We accept all Credit Cards, and most debit cards, as well as Instant EFT and Snap Scan.
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Averna Amaro 1 Litre